Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Re-Investment Into Group Members

We are going to do something that will benefit ALL group members who invest. Our group will re-invest within the group. How does that sound for everyone? There are rules for the re-investment. You must have a registered business under your name. We do not loan money for private situations. All transactions will be done by written contract, with copies of business documents, photo ID (Drivers License).

Our main purpose for this new plan is simple, to assist our group members first. We want to see you and your business succeed. The investment of $30.00 will benefit those who invest. This low investment is just a starter for this group. So if you are serious about earning more money, go ahead and send your monthly payments via PayPal, through our subscription link.

Hope that we can work together, moving this group to a new level in our economical roller coaster.