Friday, May 8, 2015

Are you looking to change your financial situation?

Are you looking to change your financial situation? This economy is on a roller coaster. So are we!! Everyone suffers from some kind of financial set back. Some people like to work from 9 to 5, others have crazy hours, many are stuck in traffic on a daily basis, many have problems with family members, etc.

Here in our PayPal Investment Group, we are a unique group of people who can change all that around. We are the ones who let our money work for us, not us work for our money. We are investors, helping others succeed. In our next update we will show you how to SAVE money! I know; it is not easy but we can manage. All you need to is look for a way to save $1.00 a day for 30 days. This is a group that once you pay, you pay for life, no contracts.

Consider yourself and move things forward, this is the time to change your bank status. Go ahead click on the Subscribe button under Monthly Investment, send your first month and we will register you as one of our investment members. Remember only you can change your life, while helping others.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Welcome to our new blog

This blog was created for those who would like to become private investors. We are a unique group of people who will be helping those in need as well as improve our own financial situations.

By clicking on the PayPal button on top of my photo, you will be guided to our payment area, where you can start sending the $30.00 a month. Once payment is cleared you will get a special letter in your e-mail confirming the transaction.

All projects, updates will be posted here in this blog. Nothing will be left behind as we start doing business with others. This blog is private and only for members who pay into the group.

Let's get together and make a change for a better future!